Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, laid to rest

Inside the chapel, the dean of Windsor read from Ecclesiasticus, which begins, “Look at the rainbow and praise its Maker,” and continues with the wonders of snow and sea and clouds:

“The eye is dazzled by their beautiful whiteness, and as they fall the mind is entranced. He spreads frost on the earth like salt, and icicles form like pointed stakes. A cold blast from the north, and ice grows hard on the water, settling on every pool, as though the water were putting on a breastplate. He consumes the hills, scorches the wilderness and withers the grass like fire. Cloudy weather quickly puts all to rights, and dew brings welcome relief after heat. By the power of his thought, he tamed the deep and planted it with islands. Those who sail the sea tell stories of its dangers, which astonish all who hear them; in it are strange and wonderful creatures, all kinds of living things and huge sea monsters. By his own action he achieves his end, and by his word, all things are held together.”

Source: WP