Everything we learned about ‘Call of Duty: Vanguard’ from the Champion Hill Alpha

Rounds are played on four firing-range-style maps with wooden structures and vehicles providing cover and offering different vantage points from which to fight your foes. Loot, such as money, armor plates and extra-life tokens, dot the ground — usually in exposed areas where players must risk taking fire to nab them. Much like in “Call of Duty: Warzone,” players can acquire items from fallen players when a team is eliminated and spend money at designated stations during a buy phase. The buy phase precedes the start of the tournament, returns as a break in the action every few rounds and also precedes the final round. There, players can purchase and upgrade weapons, perks, scorestreaks, armor, equipment and additional life tickets. The latter are a particularly valuable commodity given that the mode’s overall format hinges on having enough lives to continue participating in the competition.

Source: WP