Our favorite recipes for late summer and early fall

First, you make a quick, velvety sauce out of chickpea flour, ground peanuts and spices. It will turn the color of fallen autumn leaves as it fills your home with lots of warm, bewitching scents, but don’t worry, you won’t be standing over a hot stove for long. Then, add boiled or steamed-and-husked cobs of corn. You can add them whole, as Sodha suggests — it makes for messy-but-fun eating! — or cut the cobs into pieces, or even cut the kernels off the cobs, if you’d rather eat the curry over rice with a spoon. No matter how you serve it, it’s an ideal summer send-off — or a luscious preface to fall. (I love the recipe so much, I recently included it in an issue of the Eat Voraciously newsletter.)

Source: WP