Post Politics Now: Biden to sign key bill for Democrats; Cheney expected to lose in Wyoming

Ten White swing voters who voted for Donald Trump in 2016 but not in 2020 — or who voted for him in 2020 but regretted it — said Monday evening that they weren’t convinced that politics hadn’t played a role in the search of Trump’s Florida club to reclaim classified documents.

The voters spoke in two focus groups conducted Monday evening for a set of progressive groups that The Early was allowed to observe on the condition that we not identify the sponsors or the participants. One group included five women from across the country, the other five men.

Asked whether they thought the Justice Department was acting politically in investigating Trump, all five women raised their hands.

“It’s three months before midterms,” one of the women said.

Several of the men were also skeptical.

“I’m looking at this and I’m thinking, here’s another thing that’s politically motivated,” one man said.

Source: WP