Solution to Evan Birnholz’s Nov. 15 Post Magazine Crossword, “Four of a Kind”

You may recall that last year I wrote a puzzle called “String Quartets” where I took real phrases that have four of the same letter, and those letters spelled out the revealer FOUR OF A KIND. This is the wacky spiritual successor to that puzzle. In fact, I think I tried to build a puzzle like today’s theme before I made “String Quartets,” but I let it sit on the shelf for a while. That’s, in part, because I remember having a hard time coming up with enough decent, clueable phrases where the second word starts with two T’s. I also recall trying to do a “three consecutive letters” theme using real phrases in which one of the target letters was Y, and the only semi-decent answer I found for that was KASHYYYK, the home world of the Wookiies in the Star Wars universe. I don’t even remember what the revealer answer for that puzzle was going to be.

Source: WP