How I assume Georgia Republicans’ get-out-the-vote is going

One slight hiccup: I noticed that a slogan Sen. Perdue has been using is “Totally Exonerated.” This seems like a bad slogan to me. The first thing that slogan makes me think is, “Of what?” You know? If someone’s campaign slogan is “Don’t worry, they found the real killer!” I get worried. I start having a lot of questions I didn’t have before. “This man didn’t do any of the crimes that people say he did!” I feel like you’re doing the opponent’s work for him. Has he done anything positive for the people of Georgia that you could highlight instead? Maybe he helped one Georgian make a lot of money!

Can’t wait for those slogans!

Got the slogans. Some questions.

“Be Sure To Vote In The Rigged, Fraudulent Election!” I have to say, I don’t love this. I understand that we can’t say that the president is completely off base in insisting that the election is fraudulent, but this feels like it’s pointing in the wrong direction.

“Don’t Not Vote In The Rigged, Fraudulent Election.” Same thing with this one. The double negative makes it worse, somehow.

“They Rigged* The Previous Election But This One We’re Pretty Sure Won’t Be Rigged! Vote In It And Let’s Find Out Together! *No evidence of this, but we’re not saying the president is wrong!” This is also bad. I do see the gap you’re trying to bridge here. Not sure our printer supports italics.

“Hey, Please Don’t Not Vote In The Election Because You Keep Hearing The President Say The Election Was Rigged! The President Is Not Wrong When He Says There Was A Lot of Fraud, But So Far It All Seems To Have Been Imaginary! But There Sure Was A Lot of Imaginary Fraud And We’re Very Mad About It, Too! The President Is Our Favorite! That Being Said, Please Stop Threatening Local Election Officials! This Is Bad For Our Democracy! Also, Vote! We Do Need You To Vote! We Don’t Think There’s Any Fraud, Actually, But Of Course The President Is A Good, Smart Man! Do Vote!” The energy of this one feels very fragile. I should have started this email by asking whether you were okay and how you were holding up during these trying times. I regret not doing so. I think this is just too much text.

“Stop The Steal! By Voting?” No.

Dave, I know that you’re really biting off a lot here! But ideally we need something a little catchier that will still be memorable! Give it one more shot? It sounds like you’re under a lot of stress; have you considered investing in a weighted blanket?

First, let me say, I really think you should take some time off. Take care of yourself.

Second, as for “Fine, Don’t Vote In This Illegitimate, Fraudulent Election! And Then Wonder, Afterwards, Why Your Opponents Got More Votes Than You Did! Has To Be Fraud, Can’t Be That You Literally Told People Not To Vote Because The Election Would Be Rigged. Yup, Probably Fraud. You’re A Bunch Of Clowns.” — yes, I think we can work with this.

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Source: WP