Ask Amy: Yard-yacht sails into the neighborhood

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Dear Amy: My husband and I bought a house a year ago. We had, at the time, a 24-foot boat, which we kept in a gravel spot next to the driveway. (The spot was designed for this kind of thing.)

By the way, if you don’t know boats, this thing was big and looked even bigger out of the water.

We’ve met most of our neighbors, and all seem very kind, including “John and Barbara.”

John posted on the popular social media app Nextdoor about our boat. His comment wasn’t related to the actual thread, but the gist of the comment was: “At least your neighbors don’t park a huge yacht in the middle of their yard!”

I was shocked. And now I’m hurt.

Unrelated to this event, we sold the boat. (But we just bought a 20-foot camper to replace it.)

There is no homeowner association. We are not violating any code. MANY in our neighborhood have campers or boats, and while most yards are very well tended, there are a few standouts with tall weeds and unkempt trees. (Ours is neatly kept.)

We haven’t interacted with John and Barbara much — they winter in Florida and we don’t walk the neighborhood at the same hours.

My husband and I make jokes about it, but I’m very bothered.

I feel like we’ve been singled out. Because we’re new to the neighborhood, we care about the impression we make. I’m hurt.

I’d like to address his crassness and mend the fence — the fence he probably has no idea is damaged, despite his post on social media.

I tend to be direct with people, and that’s not always the most desirable trait when trying to mend fences.

Then I think: Why bother? His post says a lot more about him than it does us.

What are your thoughts?

— Neighborly

Neighborly: The popular app Nextdoor has developed something of a reputation as a conveyance for snippy, obnoxious, toxic comments (and worse) between neighbors and about neighborhoods.

This is what happens when the entire neighborhood shows up (virtually) for what people might think is a block party, but which quickly devolves into a snip-fest. Reading comments posted there can be like overhearing the conversation at the “mean girls” table in the middle school cafeteria, and realizing that they’re talking about you!

My theory is that most people who post snarky, derisive comments never dream that their comment will be read by the person they are degrading.

So yes — laugh at the concept of your yard-yacht.

Also contact “John” (NOT on the app): “I read your comment about our boat on Nextdoor. I hope our land-yacht being parked there now is an improvement for you.”

Most likely scenario: John never imagined you would read his comment, because you are a new resident and because he doesn’t have a clue about how social media works.

He does now.

Dear Amy: My cousin has two sons, ages 13 and 14. I buy them gifts for birthdays, Christmas and Easter.

They call me “auntie,” which I appreciate because I don’t have any nieces or nephews.

The problem is that they rarely (if ever) thank me for the cards and gifts.

This hurts me a lot. Gifts, cards and postage are expensive, and I am on a disability pension.

I enjoy remembering people on special occasions, but it feels awful not knowing if they liked their presents or if they even care.

I am afraid to say anything because I don’t want to embarrass them or their mother.

Maybe these kids just have too much. Their parents are very well off.

What do you think I should do?

— Sad Auntie

Sad Auntie: I think you should offer these young men a gentle lesson — and let yourself off the hook! Your relationship with them is not based on these gifts. How do you know that? Because you seem to have a relationship with them even though they don’t seem to be interested in the gifts you send.

Switch to cards. Tell them you love them. Let that be your gift.

Dear Amy: Not to pile on, but I was deeply offended by your response to “Conflicted,” who wanted to spend time with a family member who was arrested for possessing child pornography.

Show compassion to this scumbag? I don’t think so.

— Offended

Offended: My overall point was that even scumbags have innocent mothers and other family members who deserve comfort and showing compassion toward him would comfort them.

2021 by Amy Dickinson distributed by Tribune Content Agency

Source: WP