Biden’s covid vaccine mandates are unconstitutional — and unnecessary

Beyond that, however, Biden’s order is unconstitutional. Under our federal system, the U.S. government does not have the power to require an adult American to do something with, or put something into, his or her body. Indeed, it doesn’t even have the power to order an adult to buy a commercial product: That’s why Obamacare’s individual “mandate” was structured as a tax rather than a command. Even the Obama administration understood that the federal government could not constitutionally treat its citizens like subjects. Biden seems to understand this, too, when it comes to issues he cares about, such as abortion rights. His administration ironically filed suit on Thursday to enjoin Texas’s new “fetal heartbeat” law, which is opposed by abortion rights advocates as violating the principle that it is the sacred right of a woman to do what she wants with her body. The logical disconnect between the suit and the order is mind-blowing.

Source: WP