Let’s say Biden isn’t the nominee. Here’s who runs — and wins.

To dismiss the 32-year-old New York congresswoman as a leading contender for president is to discount her obvious ambition, the appeal she holds for the expanding far-left wing of her party, and the ongoing political upheaval that led to nontraditional candidates such as Trump and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.). AOC is a media darling and social media superstar with a knack for getting attention. She’s intelligent and well-spoken and a perfect fit for the selfie generation. In a culture that demonizes older leaders like never before, she’ll be just old enough, constitutionally, to be sworn in on Jan. 20, 2025. — Gary Abernathy

She’s popular, energetic and visibly fed up with the Biden administration. Most Democrats have said outright that they’ll support Biden if he runs for president. AOC has not. Does that mean she plans to run? Not necessarily, but … — Christine Emba

Why not run? There’s no obvious young progressive to displace her, and the party’s volunteer and small-dollar donor energy is found in her strongest demographics. If she fails, she’ll still be a huge Democratic power broker, having magnified the lists and contacts she already has. And if she does well but comes up short, she’d be an obvious VP for anyone except Harris. — Henry Olsen

Source: WP