U.N. and its ‘global boiling’ nonsense

Climate change isn’t just “here,” according to U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. It’s “terrifying.” It’s “just the beginning.” And it’s moved from “global warming” to “global boiling,” with air that is “unbreathable” and heat that is “unbearable,” he said in recent remarks heard ‘round the world.

Right-o. That used to be called summer. But now, to the communists — a group to which Guterres belongs — and Marxists and socialists and leftists, it’s “climate inaction.” 

The degrees of deception the left will use to exploit normal weather patterns for political gain are astonishing.

“96% of U.S. Climate Data Is Corrupted,” wrote researchers with The Heartland Institute, a nonprofit dedicated to sifting facts from fiction regarding environmentalism. That was the group’s finding in July 2022 — that “approximately 96 percent of U.S. temperature stations used to measure climate change fail to meet what the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) considers to be ‘acceptable’ and uncorrupted placement by its own published standards.” Improper placement of temperature measuring tools means inaccurate readings; indeed, the study revealed “heat-bias because of [the stations’] close proximity to asphalt, machinery and other heat-producing, heat-trapping, or heat-accentuating objects.”

It’s the science of leftists: Use corrupted data to support a desired outcome, and when the attacks come, cry “it’s science!” That’s how Democrats and globalists were able to shut down entire economies of the world during the coronavirus; that’s how Democrats and globalists are able to continue their charade of Chicken Little-like warnings of impending global doom and get by with blaming Mrs. Jones in Podunk, USA, for the “terrifying” “global boiling” because she drives an SUV to grocery shop instead of using the more environmentally friendly, Greta Thunberg-approved wind-powered pogo-stick.

“Across the globe, hot days are getting hotter and more frequent, while we’re experiencing fewer cold days,” the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions wrote. “In July 2023, Earth broke or tied its record for the hottest day on record, four days in a row.”

The asterisk in that claim, of course, is the phrase “not really.” But you have to find the fine print to read it. And the media don’t make it easy.

In a series of charts taken from the peer-reviewed journal Science and from one of the United Nations’ own Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s report, “Earth Experiencing ‘Hottest Day Ever’ Is a Deliberate Lie” author and Heartland Institute President James Taylor demonstrated how temperatures actually “remain far below temperatures that have predominated throughout most of the time period of human civilization.”

That is to say — leftists lie, lie, lie.

And why do they lie, lie, lie about weather patterns? Here’s a clue.

“How Al Gore has made $300m with climate alarmism,” the Daily Mail wrote in January.

Fear sells.

“The Covid pandemic drives Pfizer’s 2022 revenue to a record $100 billion,” CNBC wrote in February.

“Moderna reaped $18.4B in COVID vaccine sales last year, projects at least $5B in 2023,” Fierce Pharma wrote in January.

Just as emergency use authorizations were great for the Covid shot manufacturers — emergency! Emergency! Emergency! — so, too, ratcheting fears about a boiling Earth will prove for the climate alarmists; for the environmental policy liars.

The power to control and regulate and profit, however, only remains intact if the people are afraid. And that’s where the globalists are falling flat.

“Overall, 37% of Americans say addressing climate change should be a top priority for the president and Congress in 2023, and another 34% say it’s an important but lower priority. This ranks climate change 17th out of 21 national issues,” Pew Research Center found in a survey published in April.

In other words, say climate change policy to Americans, and outside of Democrats, most yawn. It’s not exactly top concern.

“For Democrats, it falls in the top half of priority issues, and 59% call it a top priority,” Pew reported. “By comparison, among Republicans, it ranks second to last and just 13% describe it as a top priority.”

Democrats buy the climate alarmism lies because they’re the ones who want to exploit the weather for political and personal ambitions; they’re the ones who want to use fear to control people; they’re the ones who scoff God and think they know better how to run His creations; and they’re the ones who’ve set their sights on science — pseudoscience as it may be — as a viable means of seizing power. They think you’re stupid and they’re the smartest in the room.

They believe they’re better than you, and that they were born to lead and you, to serve.

That’s why we get crap like this, sold as truth — more from Guterres, this time in a tweet, warning on the consequences of climate inaction: “Children [will be] swept away by monsoon rains, families [will be] running from the flames, workers [will be] collapsing in scorching heat.”

Props for imagination. But truth?

The lies on climate change are ratcheting because sane citizens are realizing the lies and refusing to bow to the lies, and because globalists pushing the lies, like communist Guterres, are desperate to put in place policy and regulatory commitments from America before Democrats are booted from the White House. That, and winter is coming. Cooler weather is on the horizon. It’s hard to sell a narrative of “boiling” heat when the snowflakes start falling.

The demons of deception know their time grows short. Expect the final weeks of summer to bring more shrill warnings of dead children and fiery explosions and starving women. Then it’ll be time to talk about the poor polar bears again.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

Source: WT