How redistricting is shaping the 2022 U.S. House map


A previous version of the chart showing how new districts voted for president in 2020 miscalculated the change from current to new districts. It has been corrected.

The march to the 2022 midterm elections is on, as states work to complete their new congressional maps following the 2020 Census. As of Feb. 5, 34, of the 50 states have settled on the boundaries for 285 of 435 U.S. House districts. Each state has a different process for drawing maps and state lawmakers or independent commissions will need to approve new maps before primary elections begin in the spring.

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Democrats narrowly control the U.S. House, so both parties are going to great lengths to tip districts in their favor. Republicans have already drawn advantageous lines in Texas, North Carolina and Ohio. Democrats control fewer districts overall but have used Illinois and Oregon to make gains so far.

How new congressional districts approved so far voted for president in 2020

Strong Biden

15 or more points

Current districts
in these states


+4 seats

Lean Biden

5 to 15 points


Within 5 points

Lean Trump

5 to 15 points

Strong Trump

15 or more points

Many state legislatures are approving maps that eliminate competition in favor of more solidly Republican or Democratic districts. Approved maps are already facing legal challenges that could delay their use or lead to court-mandated changes. In the last redistricting cycle, legislative deadlocks and legal challenges resulted in many districts eventually being determined by courts.

Maps that have been struck down

State Drawn by Details
Ohio GOP-controlled legislature Jan. 14: The state’s Supreme Court ruled that the map “unduly favors the Republican party.” The new lines eliminated a solidly Democratic district along Lake Erie, and increased the number of solidly Republican districts.
Alabama GOP-controlled legislature Jan. 24: A federal court struck down the state’s congressional map that packed Black voters into one of seven districts in a state where they account for 27 percent of the population. The decision could be appealed to the Supreme Court.
North Carolina GOP-controlled legislature Feb. 4: The state’s Supreme court struck down a GOP-approved congressional map ruling that Republican lawmakers drew maps that deprived voters of their “substantially equal voting power on the basis of partisan affiliation.”

Explore the map

The Washington Post is using the number of Trump and Biden voters within old and new district boundaries, according to data collected by Decision Desk HQ, to show how the districts have changed politically. As more states finalize their maps, we’ll add them to this page to give a fuller picture of what to expect in the midterms.

Look up your address to see if district boundaries will shift in your community, or click the districts we’ve suggested and toggle between the old and new lines.

Md. 1st

State’s lone Trump district erased

Tex. 23rd

Lawsuit filed over Latino representation

Ill. 13th

Dems. packed in to erase competition

N.C. 2nd

Heavily Black Dem. stronghold redrawn

Mont. 1st

State gets a second district

Current districts

New districts

Hover over a district to view details

The map above shows which states have approved maps so far, paired with the most detailed presidential election results available from 2020. The darkest red areas represent the precincts or counties where Donald Trump won many more votes than Joe Biden. In the darkest blue areas, Biden won many more votes. Yellow areas are the most politically divided areas of the country — the presidential vote margin for those was less than five points.

Though Democrats performed well in 2020 at the presidential level, these results are not necessarily predictive for how districts will vote in 2022. There are also districts in the current map that voted for opposing parties for president and U.S. House.

Harry Stevens contributed to this report.

About this story

The Post estimated the lean of current congressional districts and those approved so far for the 2022 elections using 2020 presidential results by precinct from Decision Desk HQ and estimates where actual votes at the precinct level were unavailable. In counties where more than 1 percent of the actual vote was not available by precinct, the map visualizes the actual votes at the county level. New Jersey results are at the township level.

Vote estimates have been used to calculate the lean of districts in all of Alabama, Alaska, Louisiana, Rhode Island and Virginia, and parts of Florida, Idaho, Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota and Tennessee because detailed results are not available.

Editing by Kevin Uhrmacher. Copy editing by Frances Moody.

Source: WP