Conservative social media site Parler to make 2024 comeback

Conservative platform Parler will go back online early next year.

In a surprising twist for the app, Parler announced this week it will return for download in 2024’s first quarter. The company said it hopes to create another “robust marketplace of ideas” with the new launch.

The restart comes after the site was acquired, and closed, by digital media firm Starboard in April. More recently, the site was bought by PDS Partners, which is spearheading the launch.

Parler started in 2018 and was marketed as a haven for conservatives who felt the content policies on popular social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook were too restrictive.

Parler came under pressure in the aftermath of the 2020 election, running claims that the election was stolen.

After it was discovered that protesters used Parler to plan the Jan. 6, 2021, demonstration at the U.S. Capitol, Google and Apple removed the app from their stores.

While Parler eventually returned to the stores, its user base took a significant hit, leading to the company’s sale.

While conservative media is as popular as ever, the landscape has changed significantly since Parler shut down. Twitter is now X, and its owner, Elon Musk, has boosted conservative voices on the platform. Conservatives who needed an alternative site like Parler might be content to stick with X.

Source: WT